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Scratchfluidity: Gigantic Wings -- Leon and Aksel open Pokemon together

Leon opens Pokemon cards along with friend and special guest Aksel!

I only have two "decent" mics, but we had a conversation of three in this episode. I recorded my voice on the mic built into a dirt-cheap pair of headphones, and did my best to sync it into the mix. It was terrible. Besides its low, buzzy, noisy, quality, it caught everything, and this "bleed" sounded awful combined with the mix. I spent an inordinate time trying to "fix" all this, rigging a walkie-talkie like scheme where signal from the "good" mics would cause output from the bad mic to be suppressed and vice-versa. Along with a bunch of "plug ins" to suppress some of the noise and flesh out some of the tinniness of the bad mic itself, maybe it all kind of works. But if the audio sounds a bit processed or weird, you know why!

Author: swaldman@mchange.com

Published Sat, 13 Nov 2021 23:00:00 -0800.